Recover the Use of Your Shoulder after Surgery

by | Apr 22, 2019 | Chiropractic

If you have a shoulder injury, then you may need surgery, and after recovering for a few days, you can begin physical therapy in Massapequa, N.Y. Specialized therapy after surgery on the shoulder’s tendons or joint is essential to help with the healing process. With special exercises and massages, you can avoid having adhesions in the deepest areas of your shoulder. In some cases, the chiropractor will maneuver your arm so that your shoulder’s joint is lubricated, but you may also need to perform this movement on your own. You may need to arrange an appointment with a chiropractor several times a week after your shoulder surgery.

Therapy after Your Hip Replacement

When you break a hip, you may need a joint replacement, and learning how to walk again is a challenge. However, a chiropractor with the proper training can provide physical therapy in Massapequa. Most physicians require immediate exercise to help you regain mobility, so you are required to perform leg lifts and ankle rotations right away. You may practice walking while holding onto a support system with handlebars, or you might use a walker on wheels to avoid falling down and having another injury.

Learn More about Our Physical Therapy Services

After a stroke, you may have an assortment of medical issues that affect the mobility of your legs or the movement of your arms. You may have problems with standing and maintaining your balance. Chiropractors offer physical therapy in Massapequa to individuals who are recovering from a stroke. In addition to spinal manipulations, the therapist can design a program to help you relearn some of the movements that you have lost from brain damage. To schedule an appointment with Back to Health Medical, visit our website located at

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