VNG: Key Basics You Should Know

by | Jan 10, 2018 | Health

A videonystagmography or VNG exam is a test to determine what’s causing the loss of balance, dizziness or vertigo in a patient, says Everyday Hearing.

The procedure

When you undergo the videonystagmography exam, you will find yourself outfitted with a pair of googles. The googles will monitor and record your eye movements and send back information about the way the patient’s central as well as peripheral balance system is currently doing. If there’s any damage, the test will detect the cause.

The length

This test can take about an hour to an hour and a half. VNG testing might include a bit of dizziness so you’ll need to prepare for that. This is also a good time to mention that it would be a great idea to bring along a friend or family member. That way, you have someone to help you get home, safe and sound.

The instructions

Make sure you keep away from any type of medication your doctor tells you. Stay away from alcohol and caffeine as well. If you’re a regular smoker, them remember not to give any of your smokes a light 3 hours before you take the exam.

The clothes

Wear comfortable clothing. Anything that’s restrictive isn’t a good idea. Skip the metallic zippers and go for something in all cotton if you don’t want to trade your clothes for the hospital gown.

The food

Don’t drink or eat anything 3 or 4 hours before your appointment or this could skew the results.

The symptoms

Make sure your doctor knows of any possible symptoms or conditions you’re currently suffering from. The more information your doctor has, the more accurate the treatments will be.

A videonystagmography test can help diagnose your condition and ensure faster and proper medication and treatment. Call for an appointment as soon as you suffer from dizziness, imbalance problems and vertigo.

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