How to Prevent Vitamin D3 Deficiency

by | Mar 12, 2019 | Healthcare

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in bone metabolism as it regulates the absorption of phosphate homeostasis and calcium in the body. Some studies also suggest that it may also play a vital role in immune system regulation. That’s why it is essential for the growth and development of infants. However, getting your baby their required daily vitamin D needs can be quite tricky. Breastmilk may not have enough vitamin D, and sunlight exposure is too risky, especially for newborns.  

Vitamin D3 is the recommended form of vitamin D as it is the natural form of vitamin D the body makes from sunlight. The active form of vitamin D and vitamin D3 help encourage the body’s absorption of phosphorous and calcium. One serving of organic vitamin D3 drops is enough to meet the American Academy of Pediatrics’s recommended daily intake.  

What is Vitamin D3 Deficiency?  

Vitamin D3 deficiency is often associated with rickets, a type of skeletal disorder caused by lack of vitamin D3 that commonly affects young children.  

Children with rickets and adults who had rickets when they were children often have bow-shaped legs. Adults who have vitamin D3 deficiency are less likely to develop rickets, but they become susceptible to developing osteomalacia, a condition that softens the bones.  

Best Vitamin D3 Source  

Sunlight is the most common source of vitamin D3. Those with darker skin pigmentation may need more sunlight exposure to keep their vitamin D3 at a healthy level.  

According to Everyday Health, several studies suggest that the body absorbs vitamin D3 better between 10 AM and 3 PM. However, people are also warned against sun exposure during this timeframe because of the high levels of UV rays.  

Additionally, direct sun exposure is usually not advisable for infants and newborns. In such cases, they are most likely to be deficient in it unless they are given supplements like organic vitamin D3 drops.

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