Find Your New Best Friend at the Animal Shelter in Parkville, MO

by | Jan 7, 2019 | Animal Shelter

When it is time to add a new dog to your family, you may want to consider adopting from a shelter. There are many homeless dogs that would love a home with a soft bed to sleep in. Shelters house many different ages and breeds. Some people avoid the shelter because they want a puppy. There are plenty of puppies waiting for adoption, as well as older dogs.

Choosing a Dog

It is a big decision to choose a dog from an animal shelter. There may be many different dogs to meet. Take a walk through the shelter to see the different ones. Many people say that their dog picked them. You may have a certain breed or color in mind and be drawn to something completely different in person. You can also research different breeds online, so you know what may work best for your family. Think about activity level, size, and grooming. An animal shelter in Parkville, MO may have the perfect dog for you.

Taking Your Dog Home

Some dogs are ready to go home on their adoption day. Other dogs need to remain in the shelter for a few more days to get them spayed or neutered. Shelters do not adopt out dogs that can reproduce because it contributes to the stray dog problem. Go back to the animal shelter with a collar and leash to pick up your new family member. It can also help to bring along some treats in case your dog needs a little convincing to get in the car.

Once they arrive home, most shelter dogs need a little time to decompress. It can be hard to rest in a loud shelter. Your dog may sleep a lot for several days. Let your dog explore the home so they learn about their new environment. It can often take weeks for an adopted dog to come out of their shell. Be patient with your new friend. It is worth the wait to have a loyal family member. Contact Taylor Animal Hospital of Parkville to help keep your new dog healthy.

A dog can be a great addition to your family. When you adopt a dog from a shelter, you are saving a life. Most shelters have dogs of all ages, breeds, and sizes. You can meet many dogs when you visit the shelter. Take the time to pick the one that fits your family best. You can also connect with them on Facebook.

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