Discover Thai Toga Massage in Honolulu HI

by | Aug 19, 2014 | Health

Our western society has become so hectic, and even frantic, because members of society have placed disrupting values on a list of high priorities in their lives. The body, mind and spirit have become fragmented, and these critical functions no longer work well together. This causes people to seek peace and joy. Of course, a person facing a terminal illness may have to make a unique effort to find peace and joy, but they can find these qualities which enhance any life.

For thousands of years the Thai Yoga Massage has been an important part of Thai medicine. This powerful and unique healing art is now practiced by trained practitioners who are grounded in the Buddist tradition. The Thai Yoga Massage in Honolulu HI is compassion in action, meditation. and most importantly a high efficient therapy for the spirit, mind and body. This massage combines elements of Aryurveda, Yoga. reflexology, meditation. physiotherapy, chiropractic and energy healing. The blending of these practices results in holistic therapy where the entire person is viewed and treated as a continually changing network of mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects of the human as they influence each other.

The primary aim of Thai Yoga Massage in Honolulu HI is to balance and restore the body’s network that forms its energy system. This network is comprised of energy lines that most people cannot visualize, but they can feel them. This network also includes the cognitive functioning of the mind.

Many Eastern healing traditions have been combined into this massage. Chinese acupuncture works on a combination of the body’s pathways where vital energy is claimed to flow. The body has twelve pathways which serve certain organs.

Western society has become bound in the traditional medical schemes which are endorsed by the American Medical Association. For example, chiropractic medicine has been long ignored by the medical doctors, but chiropractic therapy has a place in the treatment of certain spine problems and other related problems. This is one therapy that is growing everyday in the successful treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal system. The Yoga Massage will reach the acceptance of chiropractic therapy as people gain a realization of its value. For more info, visit Thai-Issan Therapeutic Massage.

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