4 Handy Pointers When You Travel With Seniors

by | Oct 2, 2017 | Health

For many of us, travel is already challenging. Long lines at the ticket counter, waiting times, delayed flights and crowds can take a toll on you. Imagine how it is for senior travelers. Here are a few tips follow that will allow your parents or grandparents to enjoy smarter and safer travel:

Be alert

Senior travelers are a prime target of thieves. Make sure you stick close to your loved ones to deter anyone from finding them an easy mark. If you already have your hands full dealing with a ton of luggage, it might be prudent to hire commercial airline medical transports for your loved one instead.

Mind the meds

It can be difficult for your parents to keep track of their medication during a long flight, Smarter Travel says. If you’re also tired and stressed, you might not be in the best position to help them with their medication. By hiring a medical escort, you can rest easy, knowing someone’s going to look after your parents and dispense medications at the proper time. That way, they won’t miss a dose.

Send them with an escort

If your parents are taking a trip on their own, that’s an especially good reason to consider hiring a commercial airline medical transport.  You can trust the medical transport nurse to assist them with all aspects of their travel, from airport to plane to final destination, along with handling whatever medical needs they may have.

Ask for medical assistance

In case your loved ones have medical conditions, you’ll want the reassurance that traveling with a nursing companion brings.  You will know they’re receiving the best care possible. This is also true for loved ones who suffer from injuries and might need a nurse to dress a wound or dispense medications.

These 4 handy pointers should help keep your loved ones safe and healthy while they travel.

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