The right haircut or make-up can make a huge difference in your day. That’s why a lot of people dread going to the hair salon. They go in and ask for a bob, for example, and if they’re supremely unlucky, end up with an unflattering bowl cut. That or ask for a light...
Staker Iezzi
3 Reasons to Become a Dialysis Nurse
Whether you are already an experienced nurse, just getting started in the profession, or looking to start a new career, becoming a dialysis nurse can be the perfect next step for you. Working as a dialysis professional is a very technical and demanding job, but can...
Stay Natural with a Naturopathic Doctor in Seattle
Too often, health issues are treated with a quick prescription of one or more pills and a dismissive attitude. In this modern age of powerful prescription drugs, it is no wonder that doctors turn to the miracles of modern medicine to treat most ailments. What if...
More Manageable Spine and Chronic Pain Relief
If you have ever experienced chronic pain, you have more than likely tried many treatments. There are some things that can increase your pain that you might never have thought could be connected. Many people with spinal issues and back pain have a hard time falling...
Regain Your Pre-Pregnancy Shape with the Assistance of a Qualified Surgeon
When a woman becomes pregnant and gives birth to a child it can take a toll on their body. They can try diet and exercise to help them regain the shape of their body that they had before becoming pregnant. However, it is difficult for any mother to get back the body...