Natural Remedies for Gastroesophageal Reflux: Do They Really Work?

by | Sep 4, 2024 | Healthcare

The occasional acid reflux disappears soon enough and is often the result of overeating. If you start experiencing the discomfort—burning stomach pain after eating, or pain in your chest close to your sternum—you might have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) instead. Here are natural remedies that work. Give them a try to see how they can help manage your condition.

Reduce Your Weight

Obesity is a factor in developing gastroesophageal reflux. Excess weight puts unnecessary pressure on your stomach. That’s one reason why food comes up in the back of your throat an hour or two after your meals. Reducing your diet can prevent you from developing GERD.

Know What to Avoid

Improve your health by knowing what food items to avoid. If it’s been months since you started experiencing the symptoms, change your diet. Avoid chocolate, caffeine, mint, alcohol, and soda. Fried, fatty foods, and tomato-based products should also be crossed off the list. Essentially, avoid junk food and switch to healthier meals.

Know What Helps

Food can be poison or medicine to your body, depending on what you eat. If you love pizza or potato chips and can’t seem to stop eating them, that could be why your gastroesophageal reflux symptoms only worsen. Making long-term changes to your lifestyle—including eating habits—delivers better results.

Sit Up After Meals

It’s tempting to lie down after a satisfying meal. However, that’s another factor that could be contributing to your condition. Sit up after you eat. You can stroll or move around, too, to aid your body’s digestion. If you love naps after lunch, consider lying down two hours after meals. That should give your stomach enough time to digest the food.

Learn to Relax

Managing GERD is stressful. Improve your mood to improve your mindset. What ways are effective for you? How do you relax and unwind from the stress? Finding ways to combat that can reduce your stomach pains and prevent symptoms from spiraling out of control. Try meditation and massage. Learn hobbies that help you relax.

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