Finding the Best Dentist for Your Child

by | Nov 22, 2017 | Cosmetic Surgery

If you are looking for the best children’s dentist in Cedar Rapids, IA, you should begin your search by looking at dental offices that provide pediatric dentistry. Pediatric dentists have continued their education to specialize in the needs of children from infants all the way through the teenage years. They are also the perfect choice for children and adults with autism, those who have issues with developmental delays, cerebral palsy, cleft palate, people with impaired hearing or sight, seizures, HIV/AIDS, and those with any type of craniofacial condition.

Why Choose a Pediatric Dentist?
Among the services that are provided by a children’s dentist are recommendations pertaining to nutrition, dental cleaning, fluoride treatments, teeth sealing, and even instruction on how to properly brush. He or she may even:

*Provide custom mouth guards for those who play a sport or sports.

*Provide you with information and help on teething and gum disease, as well as assistance with problems such as thumb sucking and pacifier habits.

*Provide orthodontic care regarding braces and correction of bite patterns.

*Diagnose and treat gum disease like tongue tie, pediatric dental diseases, and injuries that have led to the injury or loss of a tooth.

*Provide sedation during dental treatments using anesthetics such as lidocaine to treat pain, nitrous oxide which is also known as laughing gas, and oral medication that can allow a child to relax to perform treatment.

Pediatric dentists can also, if a child requires lengthy treatments, make use of general anesthesia.

Pediatric Dentist Qualifications
For any children’s dentist that you might be considering, there are some questions that you want to have answered such as has the dentist continued his education and is he acquainted with the most up-to-date technological advances in the pediatric dentistry field? Does he or she have membership in the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry? Does the way he or she acts make you and your child feel at ease? You get all these qualifications and more from the dentists at Kimball and Beecher where they pride themselves on making a child’s visit as stress-free and comfortable as possible.

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